http://www.mag2.com/m/0001641009.html■ 問題
第6問 次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)答えよ。なお、文章の左にある
[Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?]
(1) In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that
could record and play back sound. For the first time, people could enjoy
the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience of their
own homes. A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph
that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer
and more true-to-life. These early products represent two major focuses in
the development of audio technology -- making listening easier and
improving the sound quality of the music we hear. The advances over the
years have been significant in both area, but it is important not to let
the music itself got lost in all the technology.
(2) Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient,
it was just the beginning. The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s
meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well. Interest in
portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the
development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy
music through headphones while walking outside. These days, we are able
to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to
them with tiny earphones.
(3) Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality.
In the 1950s, the term "high fidelity," or "hi-fi" for short, was commonly
used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment providing
the highest possible quality of sound reproduction. Fidelity, meaning
truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close
as possible to the original performance. Ideally, if we listen to a
recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert
hall. Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern
recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come
very close to the goals of high fidelity.
(4) Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an
amazing variety of audio technology. Someone looking for a portable system
can choose from hundreds of different earphones, headphones, and digital
players that come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. For audiophiles
-- music fans who see high fidelity as a priority -- a different section
of the store features a range of large speakers and heavy components, such
as CD players and amplifiers, that often come at high prices. Faced with
all this technology and so many choices, music fans often spend a great
deal of time researching and making decisions about the right equipment
for their listening needs.
(5) Even after the equipment is bought, the advances in audio technology
sometimes continue to take consumers' attention away from the music
itself. The convenience of portable system lets people listen to music
while doing something else, like jogging in the park or commuting to work.
In these settings, music may be partly lost in background noise, making it
hard for the listener to concentrate on it. In another case, audiophiles
may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting
their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of
(6) With so much technology available, actually listening to music can
sometimes feel like a secondary issue. We are lucky to be able to take
our favorite recordings with us on the train to work, but if we listen to
music while our attention is focused elsewhere, we miss much of its power.
Likewise, although it is good to have access to high-quality equipment, if
we worry too much about achieving perfect fidelity, technology itself
comes between us and the music. Music is an amazing and powerful art form,
and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate
what we hear. Thanks to the genius of Edison and other inventors, the
beauty of music is now more accessible than ever. It's up to us to stop
and truly listen.
A 次の問い(問1〜5)の[ 47 ]〜[ 51 ]に入れるのに最も適切なものを、
問1 According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories' phonograph could
[ 47 ] than Thomas Edison's.
{1} be built more quickly and cheaply
{2} be operated with less difficulty
{3} play more musical instruments
{4} reproduce sound more realistically
問2 In paragraph (3), the author suggests that today's best audio
equipment [ 48 ].
{1} almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert
{2} is used to play live music in the best concert halls
{3} makes recordings sound better than original performances
{4} reproduces great performances from the 1950s
問3 According to paragraph (4), audiophiles are people who [ 49 ].
{1} care deeply about the quality of music reproduction
{2} perform in symphonies in good concert halls
{3} prefer live concerts to recorded performances
{4} work at shops that sell the best audio equipment
問4 Based on paragraph (5), which of the following is true? [ 50 ]
{1} Background noise often helps people concentrate on music.
{2} Portable audio systems tend to create background noise.
{3} Setting up a hi-fi system can take a great amount of effort.
{4} The busier people are, the more the appreciate music.
問5 The author's main point in paragraph (6) is that [ 51 ].
{1} audiophiles tend to enjoy listening to music on portable devices
{2} convenience is an important factor in buying audio equipment
{3} music is the primary consideration, regardless of technology
{4} portable equipment will likely replace high-fidelity equipment
B 次の表は、本文の段落と内容をまとめたものである。[ 52 ]〜[ 55 ]に入れる
|Paragraph| Content |
| (1) |The goals of audio technology|
| (2) | [ 52 ] |
| (3) | The idea of high fidelity |
| (4) | [ 53 ] |
| (5) | [ 54 ] |
| (6) | [ 55 ] |
{1} Advances in music listening convenience
{2} Concerns about the focus of music listeners
{3} The value of giving music your full attention
{4} The wide selection of audio products for sale
※マーク部分の□は[ ]で、マル1は{1}で表記しています。
=========================== お知らせ1 ===============================
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
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■ 解答・解説
問1 パラグラフ(1)によると、Bell Laboratoryの蓄音機は、Thomas Edisonの
ものよりも[ 47 ]です。
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■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
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★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 →
■ 全文訳(基本的に直訳です)
(1)1877年、Thomas Edisonは、蓄音機を発明しました。音楽を録音し、再生する
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
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オンラインで学ぶ「高品質」ビジネス英会話 Bizmates(ビズメイツ)