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良問の風物理頻出・標準入試問題集 (河合塾シリーズ)
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本日配信のメルマガ。2022年共通テスト英語第5問 本文和訳第5段落まで
■ 問題
In your English class, you will give a presentation about a great
inventor. You found the following article and prepared notes for your
| Who invented television? It is not an easy question to answer. In |
|the early years of the 20th century, there was something called a |
|mechanical television system, but it was not a success. Inventors were|
|also competing to develop an electronic television system, which later|
|became the basis of what we have today. In the US, there was a battle |
|over the patent for the electronic television system, which attracted |
|people's attention because it was between a young man and a giant |
|corporation. This patent would give the inventor the official right to|
|be the only person to develop, use, or sell the system. |
| Philo Taylor Farnsworth was born in a log cabin in Utah in 1906. His|
|family did not have electricity until he was 12 years old, and he was |
|excited to find a generator--a machine that produces electricity--when|
|they moved into a new home. He was very interested in mechanical and |
|electrical technology, reading any information he could find on the |
|subject. He would often repair the old generator and even changed his |
|mother's hand-powered washing machine into an electricity-powered one.|
| One day, while working in his father's potato field, he looked |
|behind him and saw all the straight parallel rows of soil that he had |
|made. Suddenly, it occurred to him that it might be possible to create|
|an electronic image on a screen using parallel lines, just like the |
|rows in the field. In 1922, during the spring semester of his first |
|year at high school, he presented this idea to his chemistry teacher, |
|Justin Tolman, and asked for advice about his concept of an electronic|
|television system. With sketches and diagrams on blackboards, he |
|showed the teacher how it might be accomplished, and Tolman encouraged|
|him to develop his ideas. |
| On September 7, 1927, Farnsworth succeeded in sending his first |
|electronic image. In the following years, he further improved the |
|system so that it could successfully broadcast live images. The US |
|government gave him a patent for this system in 1930. |
| However, Farnsworth was not the only one working on such a system. A|
|giant company, RCA(Radio Corporation of America), also saw a bright |
|future for television and did not want to miss the opportunity. They |
|recruited Vladimir Zworykin, who had already worked on an electronic |
|television system and had earned a patent as early as 1923. Yet, in |
|1931, they offered Farnsworth a large sum of money to sell them his |
|patent as his system was superior to that of Zworykin's. He refused |
|this offer, which started a patent war between Farnsworth and RCA. |
| The company took legal action against Farnsworth, claiming that |
|Zworykin's 1923 patent had priority even though he had never made a |
|working version of his system. Farnsworth lost the first two rounds of|
|the court case. However, in the final round, the teacher who had |
|copied Farnsworth's blackboard drawings gave evidence that Farnsworth |
|did have the idea of an electronic television system at least a year |
|before Zworykin's patent was issued. In 1934, a judge approved |
|Farnsworth's patent claim on the strength of handwritten notes made by|
|his old high school teacher Tolman. |
| Farnsworth died in 1971 at the age of 64. He held about 300 US and |
|foreign patents, mostly in radio and television, and in 1999, TIME |
|magazine included Farnsworth in Time 100: The Most Important People of|
|the Century. In an interview after his death, Farnsworth's wife Pem |
|recalled Neil Armstrong's moon landing being broadcast. Watching the |
|television with her, Farnsworth had said, "Pem, this has made it all |
|worthwhile." His story will always be tied to his teenage dream of |
|sending moving pictures through the air and those blackboard drawings |
|at his high school. |
Your presentation notes:
|○ Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-1971) |
|○ |
|○ −[ 30 ]− |
|○ [Early Days] |
|○ −born in a log cabin without electricity |
|○ −[ 31 ] |
|○ −[ 32 ] |
|○ |
|○ [Sequence of Key Events] |
|○ |[ 33 ] |
|○ |[ 34 ] |
|○ |Farnsworth successfully sent his first image. |
|○ |[ 35 ] |
|○ |[ 36 ] |
|○ ↓RCA took Farnsworth to court. |
|○ |
|○ [Outcome] |
|○ −Farnsworth won the patent battle against RCA thanks to [ 37 ].|
|○ |
|○ [Achievements and Recognition] |
|○ −Farnsworth had about 300 patents. |
|○ −TIME magazine listed him as one of the century's most |
|○ important figures. |
|○ −[ 38 ] |
|○ |
問1 Which is the best subtitle for your presentation? [ 30 ]
{1} A Young Inventor Against a Giant Company
{2} From High School Teacher to Successful Inventor
{3} Never-Ending Passion for Generating Electricity
{4} The Future of Electronic Television
問2 Choose the best two options for [ 31 ] and [ 32 ] to complete [Early
Days]. (The order does not matter.)
{1} bought a generator to provide his family with electricity
{2} built a log cabin that had electricity with the help of his father
{3} enjoyed reading books on every subject in school
{4} fixed and improved household equipment for his family
{5} got the idea for an electronic television system while working in a field
問3 Choose [four] out of the five events ({1}〜{5}) in the order they
happened to complete [Sequence of Key Events].
[ 33 ]→[ 34 ]→[ 35 ]→[ 36 ]
{1} Farnsworth rejected RCA's offer.
{2} Farnsworth shared his idea with his high school teacher.
{3} RCA won the first stage of the battle.
{4} The US government gave Farnsworth the patent.
{5} Zworykin was granted a patent for his television system.
問4 Choose the best option for [ 37 ] to complete [Outcome].
{1} the acceptance of his rival's technology inferiority
{2} the financial assistance provided by Tolman
{3} the sketches his teacher had kept for many years
{4} the withdrawal of RCA from the battle
問5 Choose the best option for [ 38 ] to complete [Achievements and
{1} He and his wife were given an award for their work with RCA.
{2} He appeared on TV when Armstrong's first moon landing was broadcast.
{3} His invention has enabled us to watch historic events live.
{4} Many teenagers have followed their dreams after watching him on TV.
※一部記号は省略、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、マル1は{1}で表記しています。
=========================== お知らせ1 ===============================
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
家庭教師・塾のサイトと連絡先はここ → http://www.a-ema.com/
■ スラッシュリーディング
In your English class, / you will give a presentation
/ about a great inventor.
あなたの英語の授業で / あなたは発表する予定だ
/ ある偉大な発明家について
You found / the following article / and prepared notes
/ for your presentation.
あなたは見つけた / 次の記事を / そしてメモを準備した
/ あなたの発表のための
Who invented television?
It is not an easy question / to answer.
それは簡単な質問ではない / 答えるのが
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================
オンラインで学ぶ「高品質」ビジネス英会話 Bizmates(ビズメイツ)
■ 問題
In your English class, you will give a presentation about a great
inventor. You found the following article and prepared notes for your
| Who invented television? It is not an easy question to answer. In |
|the early years of the 20th century, there was something called a |
|mechanical television system, but it was not a success. Inventors were|
|also competing to develop an electronic television system, which later|
|became the basis of what we have today. In the US, there was a battle |
|over the patent for the electronic television system, which attracted |
|people's attention because it was between a young man and a giant |
|corporation. This patent would give the inventor the official right to|
|be the only person to develop, use, or sell the system. |
| Philo Taylor Farnsworth was born in a log cabin in Utah in 1906. His|
|family did not have electricity until he was 12 years old, and he was |
|excited to find a generator--a machine that produces electricity--when|
|they moved into a new home. He was very interested in mechanical and |
|electrical technology, reading any information he could find on the |
|subject. He would often repair the old generator and even changed his |
|mother's hand-powered washing machine into an electricity-powered one.|
| One day, while working in his father's potato field, he looked |
|behind him and saw all the straight parallel rows of soil that he had |
|made. Suddenly, it occurred to him that it might be possible to create|
|an electronic image on a screen using parallel lines, just like the |
|rows in the field. In 1922, during the spring semester of his first |
|year at high school, he presented this idea to his chemistry teacher, |
|Justin Tolman, and asked for advice about his concept of an electronic|
|television system. With sketches and diagrams on blackboards, he |
|showed the teacher how it might be accomplished, and Tolman encouraged|
|him to develop his ideas. |
| On September 7, 1927, Farnsworth succeeded in sending his first |
|electronic image. In the following years, he further improved the |
|system so that it could successfully broadcast live images. The US |
|government gave him a patent for this system in 1930. |
| However, Farnsworth was not the only one working on such a system. A|
|giant company, RCA(Radio Corporation of America), also saw a bright |
|future for television and did not want to miss the opportunity. They |
|recruited Vladimir Zworykin, who had already worked on an electronic |
|television system and had earned a patent as early as 1923. Yet, in |
|1931, they offered Farnsworth a large sum of money to sell them his |
|patent as his system was superior to that of Zworykin's. He refused |
|this offer, which started a patent war between Farnsworth and RCA. |
| The company took legal action against Farnsworth, claiming that |
|Zworykin's 1923 patent had priority even though he had never made a |
|working version of his system. Farnsworth lost the first two rounds of|
|the court case. However, in the final round, the teacher who had |
|copied Farnsworth's blackboard drawings gave evidence that Farnsworth |
|did have the idea of an electronic television system at least a year |
|before Zworykin's patent was issued. In 1934, a judge approved |
|Farnsworth's patent claim on the strength of handwritten notes made by|
|his old high school teacher Tolman. |
| Farnsworth died in 1971 at the age of 64. He held about 300 US and |
|foreign patents, mostly in radio and television, and in 1999, TIME |
|magazine included Farnsworth in Time 100: The Most Important People of|
|the Century. In an interview after his death, Farnsworth's wife Pem |
|recalled Neil Armstrong's moon landing being broadcast. Watching the |
|television with her, Farnsworth had said, "Pem, this has made it all |
|worthwhile." His story will always be tied to his teenage dream of |
|sending moving pictures through the air and those blackboard drawings |
|at his high school. |
Your presentation notes:
|○ Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-1971) |
|○ |
|○ −[ 30 ]− |
|○ [Early Days] |
|○ −born in a log cabin without electricity |
|○ −[ 31 ] |
|○ −[ 32 ] |
|○ |
|○ [Sequence of Key Events] |
|○ |[ 33 ] |
|○ |[ 34 ] |
|○ |Farnsworth successfully sent his first image. |
|○ |[ 35 ] |
|○ |[ 36 ] |
|○ ↓RCA took Farnsworth to court. |
|○ |
|○ [Outcome] |
|○ −Farnsworth won the patent battle against RCA thanks to [ 37 ].|
|○ |
|○ [Achievements and Recognition] |
|○ −Farnsworth had about 300 patents. |
|○ −TIME magazine listed him as one of the century's most |
|○ important figures. |
|○ −[ 38 ] |
|○ |
問1 Which is the best subtitle for your presentation? [ 30 ]
{1} A Young Inventor Against a Giant Company
{2} From High School Teacher to Successful Inventor
{3} Never-Ending Passion for Generating Electricity
{4} The Future of Electronic Television
問2 Choose the best two options for [ 31 ] and [ 32 ] to complete [Early
Days]. (The order does not matter.)
{1} bought a generator to provide his family with electricity
{2} built a log cabin that had electricity with the help of his father
{3} enjoyed reading books on every subject in school
{4} fixed and improved household equipment for his family
{5} got the idea for an electronic television system while working in a field
問3 Choose [four] out of the five events ({1}〜{5}) in the order they
happened to complete [Sequence of Key Events].
[ 33 ]→[ 34 ]→[ 35 ]→[ 36 ]
{1} Farnsworth rejected RCA's offer.
{2} Farnsworth shared his idea with his high school teacher.
{3} RCA won the first stage of the battle.
{4} The US government gave Farnsworth the patent.
{5} Zworykin was granted a patent for his television system.
問4 Choose the best option for [ 37 ] to complete [Outcome].
{1} the acceptance of his rival's technology inferiority
{2} the financial assistance provided by Tolman
{3} the sketches his teacher had kept for many years
{4} the withdrawal of RCA from the battle
問5 Choose the best option for [ 38 ] to complete [Achievements and
{1} He and his wife were given an award for their work with RCA.
{2} He appeared on TV when Armstrong's first moon landing was broadcast.
{3} His invention has enabled us to watch historic events live.
{4} Many teenagers have followed their dreams after watching him on TV.
※一部記号は省略、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、マル1は{1}で表記しています。
=========================== お知らせ1 ===============================
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
家庭教師・塾のサイトと連絡先はここ → http://www.a-ema.com/
■ スラッシュリーディング
In your English class, / you will give a presentation
/ about a great inventor.
あなたの英語の授業で / あなたは発表する予定だ
/ ある偉大な発明家について
You found / the following article / and prepared notes
/ for your presentation.
あなたは見つけた / 次の記事を / そしてメモを準備した
/ あなたの発表のための
Who invented television?
It is not an easy question / to answer.
それは簡単な質問ではない / 答えるのが
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================
オンラインで学ぶ「高品質」ビジネス英会話 Bizmates(ビズメイツ)

江間淳の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2m9LTvN