http://www.mag2.com/m/0001641009.html■ 問題
B While planning your six-month study programme in an English city called
Twiggsbury, you find this online article about a unique transport project
written by a member of the local promotion committee.
Emma Crossland
10 December 2023
[Get Points for Travel]
Wouldn't it be great to benefit from the miles you travel? Well, in
Twiggsbury, you can! 'Point-to-Point' or 'P-to-P' as it is known, gives you
one point for every mile you travel on a train, bus, or even taxi within
the local area. Your travel will be rewarded!
I only recently signed up for P-to-P but have already received so many
benefits. An electronic travel card records my journeys and I receive a
weekly email summary.
How about the benefits? Exchanging 100 points gives you a £3 coupon for
future travel, and for 1,000 points you'll get a two-day unlimited pass for
local travel! I took a trip to a castle and also visited other ancient
buildings and monuments. I would never have done that without the unlimited
pass. You can also use points to buy things at local supermarkets. All
these benefits make life a little nicer.
I think the greatest benefit comes if you convert 5,000 points (which takes
about a year to save) into an Elite Pass. With that, you can use the Elite
Lounge at Twiggsbury Station any time! You also receive unlimited Wi-Fi
access on all local transport.
The Twiggsbury government said as more people join, their saved points can
be used in other places such as restaurants and cinemas. Last year, over
25,000 passengers registered for P-to-P and the government hopes to double
that this year. Registration takes just a few minutes (click [here]), so
sign up and start collecting points today!
問1 Traveling locally for free on any succesive Saturday and Sunday
requires [ 11 ] points.
{1} 100
{2} 1,000
{3} 5,000
{4} 25,000
問2 Emma implies that [ 12 ].
{1} modern buildings and monuments are attractive.
{2} she dislikes the service of the Elite Lounge
{3} she feels reluctant to expand the P-to-P project
{4} the distance she travels has merit
問3 According to the article, which is true? [ 13 ]
{1} Every user can freely access the Elite Lounge.
{2} Points are used at restaurants and cinemas.
{3} Registraton does not take much time.
{4} The email summary is delivered twice a month.
問4 According to the article, one [opinion] of the Twiggsbury government
is that [ 14 ].
{1} the local economy is stimulated by the P-to-P project
{2} the P-to-P project should be expanded
{3} the use of public transportation should be discouraged
{4} travel diaries are beneficial for local cinemas
問5 Which is the best combination that describes the P-to-P project?
[ 15 ]
A: It's better to add more people to your P-to-P account.
B: Miles travelled can be converted into groceries.
C: People receive information about their travel history.
D: People should wait until next year to register.
E: The amount of Wi-Fi data usage can be exchanged for points.
{1} A and D
{2} A and E
{3} B and C
{4} B and D
{5} B and E
{6} C and E
★ ★
★ 茨城県水戸市、常陸太田市の個別指導教室 ★
★ 「AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)」では、生徒募集をしています。 ★
★ 対象は小学生・中学生・高校生・浪人生。社会人も歓迎します! ★
★ オンライン授業も好評です!全国の生徒さんに対応可能です。 ★
★ ★
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
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■ スラッシュリーディング
B While planning / your six-month study programme / in an English city
/ called Twiggsbury,
計画している間 / あなたの6ヶ月の留学プログラムを / あるイギリスの都市での
/ Twiggsburyと呼ばれる
/ you find this online article / about a unique transport project
/ written by a member / of the local promotion committee.
あなたはこのオンライン記事を見つける / 独特な輸送プロジェクトについての
/ メンバーによって書かれた / 地元のプロモーション委員会の
Emma Crossland
10 December 2023
[Get Points for Travel][旅行でポイント獲得]
Wouldn't it be great / to benefit / from the miles / you travel?
すばらしいと思いませんか? / 利益を得るのは / マイルから / あなたが旅行する
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