
本日配信のメルマガ。2016年センター英語第6問 長文問題


■ 問題

第6問 次の文章を読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ。なお、文章の左にある

(1) Opera is an art form that celebrates the human voice at its highest
level of expression. No other art form creates excitement and moves the
heart in the way that opera does, especially when performed by a great
singer. Such singers are trained to present some of the greatest and most
challenging music that has ever been composed for the human voice.

(2) Opera is an important part of the Western classical music tradition.
It uses music, words, and actions to bring a dramatic story of life. Opera
started in Italy at the end of the 16th century and later became popular
throughout Europe. Over the years, it has responded to various musical and
theatrical developments around the world and continues to do so. In recent
decades, much wider audiences have been introduced to opera through modern
recording technology. Some singers have become celebrities thanks to
performing on radio, on television, and in the cinema.

(3) However, in recent years, opera has been facing serious challenges.
The causes of some of these are beyond its control. One current challenge
to opera is economic. The current world economic slowdown has meant that
less money is available for cultural institutions and artists. This
shortage of money raises the broader question of how much should be paid
to support opera singers and other artists. Society seems to accept the
large salaries paid to business managers and the multi-million-dollar
contracts given to sports athletes. [But what about opera singers?]
Somehow, people have the idea that artists can be creative only if they
suffer in poverty, but this is unrealistic: If artists, including opera
singers, lack the support they need, valuable talent is wasted.

(4) Not only the shortage of money, but also the way money is managed in
the opera world has led to hardships. Principal singers are generally paid
performance fees once they complete a show. They typically receive nothing
during the many weeks of rehearsal before a show starts. To prepare for
a role, they must pay the costs of lessons and coaching sessions. If they
become ill or cancel their performance, they lose their performance fee.
The insecurity of this system puts the future of opera at risk.

(5) Another problem faced by opera is how to meet the demands of audiences
who are influenced by popular entertainment. Pop singers are often judged
as much on the basis of how they look as how they sound. Therefore, opera
singers, performing to audiences influenced by this popular culture, are
now expected to be "models who sing." These demands may be unrealistic and
possibly harmful. Opera singers simply cannot make a sound big enough to
fill a large theater or concert hall without microphone if their body
weight is too low. Emphasizing physical appearance over singing ability
may cause audiences to miss out on the human voice at its best.

(6) There are no easy solutions to opera's problems and there are many
different opinions about the value of opera. However, every year many
young people register for music courses with hopes and dreams of
developing their talents in this special art form. The fact that opera has
survived many obstacles and continues to attract the rising generation
demonstrates that it remains a respected art form full of value.

A 次の問い(問1〜5)の[ 47 ]〜[ 51 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、

問1 Which of these statement is true according to paragraph (2)? [ 47 ]
{1} Opera develops by adapting to new conditions.
{2} Opera fans thank celebrities for performing.
{3} Opera singers avoid singing on TV and in films.
{4} Opera singers' life stories are dramatic.

問2 In paragraph (3), what is another way of asking the question
"[But what about opera singers?]" [ 48 ]
{1} How do opera singers prepare?
{2} How should we use opera singers?
{3} What are opera singers worth?
{4} What sums do opera singers pay?

問3 According to paragraph (3) and (4), which statement is true? [ 49 ]
{1} Opera singers are financially unstable.
{2} Opera singers ask only the wealthy to attend.
{3} Opera singers get paid before the show.
{4} Opera singers perform better if they are poor.

問4 Which statement best expresses the author's opinion in paragraph (5)?
[ 50 ]
{1} Audiences know best how opera should be performed.
{2} Microphones should be used to make opera more enjoyable.
{3} Opera singers' voices should be valued more than their looks.
{4} Popular culture has had a positive influence on opera.

問5 What would be the best title for this passage? [ 51 ]
{1} How to Make Money in Opera
{2} Opera as a Part of Popular Culture
{3} The Difficulties Facing Opera
{4} The Historical Context of Opera

B 次の表は、本文のパラグラフ(段落)ごとの内容をまとめたものである。
[ 52 ]〜[ 55 ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の{1}〜{4}のうちから一つ

| Paragraph |    Content    |
|  (1)  | Introducing opera |
|  (2)  |    [ 52 ]    |
|  (3)  |    [ 53 ]    |
|  (4)  |    [ 54 ]    |
|  (5)  |    [ 55 ]    |
|  (6)  | Prospects for opera |

{1} Effect of world finance on opera
{2} Impact of popular culture on opera
{3} Opera from the past to the present
{4} Problems in money management

=========================== お知らせ1 ===============================




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■ 解答・解説


問1 Which of these statement is true according to paragraph (2)? [ 47 ]
問1 パラグラフ(2)によると、これらの陳述のうちどれが本当ですか?

{1} Opera develops by adapting to new conditions.
{1} オペラは新しい状況に適応することにより発展する

{2} Opera fans thank celebrities for performing.
{2} オペラファンはセレブが出演することを感謝している

{3} Opera singers avoid singing on TV and in films.
{3} オペラ歌手はテレビや映画で歌うことを避ける

{4} Opera singers' life stories are dramatic.
{4} オペラ歌手の人生物語はドラマチックである

「paragraph (2)」とあります。

Over the years, it has responded to various musical and theatrical
developments around the world and continues to do so.



=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================






★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS


■ 今回の高校レベルの単語・熟語など

keep in touch:「in touchを続ける」→「接触を保つ」「連絡を取り続ける」
cut off:単にcutと言うより、離れているイメージが強まる。「切り離す」
decide:make up one's mindなどの類義語。不定詞を伴って「〜するのを決断する」






または、http://pmana.jp/pc/pm588.html をご利用下さい。

          発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
 mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
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