



■ 問題



 Using an international news report, you are going to take part in an
English oral presentation contest. Read the following news story from
France in preparation for your talk.

| Five years ago, Mrs. Sabine Rouas lost her horse. She had spent 20  |
|years with the horse before he died of old age. At that time, she felt |
|that she could never own another horse. Out of loneliness, she spent  |
|hours watching cows on a nearby milk farm. Then, one day, she asked the|
|farmer if she could help look after them.               |
| The farmer agreed, and Sabine started work. She quickly developed a |
|friendship with one of the cows. As the cow was pregnant, she spent  |
|more time with it than with the others. After the cow's baby was born, |
|the baby started following Sabine around. Unfortunately, the farmer  |
|wasn't interested in keeping a bull----a male cow----on a milk farm.  |
|The farmer planned to sell the baby bull, which he called Three-oh-nine|
|(309), to a meat market. Sabine decided she wasn't going to let that  |
|happen, so she asked the farmer if she could buy him and his mother.  |
|The farmer agreed, and she bought them. Sabine then started taking 309 |
|for walks to town. About nine months later, when at last she had    |
|permission to move the animals, they moved to Sabine's farm.      |
| Soon after, Sabine was offered a pony. At first, she wasn't sure if |
|she wanted to have him, but the memory of her horse was no longer   |
|painful, so she accepted the pony and named him Leon. She then decided |
|to return to her old hobby and started training him for show jumping. |
|Three-oh-nine, who she had renamed Aston, spent most of his time with |
|Leon, and the two became really close friends. However, Sabine had not |
|expected Aston to pay close attention to her training routine with   |
|Leon, nor had she expected Aston to pick up some tricks. The young bull|
|quickly mastered walking, galloping, stopping, going backwards, and  |
|turning around on command. He responded to Sabine's voice just like a |
|horse. And despite weighting 1,300 kg, it took him just 18 months to  |
|learn how to leap over one-meter-high horse jumps with Sabine on his  |
|back. Aston might never have learned those things without having    |
|watched Leon. Moreover, Aston understood distance and could adjust his |
|steps before a jump. He also noticed his faults and corrected them   |
|without any help from Sabine. That's something only the very best   |
|Olympic-standard horses can do.                    |
| Now Sabine and Aston go to weekend fairs and horse shows around   |
|Europe to show off his skills. Sabine says, "We got a good reaction.  |
|Mostly, people are really surprised, and at first, they can be a bit  |
|scared because he's big--much better than a horse. Most people don't  |
|like to get too close to bulls with horns. But once they see his real |
|nature, and see him performing, they often say, 'Oh he's really quite |
|beautiful.'"                              |
| "Look!" And Sabine shows a photo of Aston on her smartphone. She then|
|continues, "When Aston was very young, I used to take him out for walks|
|on a lead, like a dog, so that he would get used to humans. Maybe   |
|that's why he doesn't mind people. Because he is so calm, children, in |
|particular, really like watching him and getting a chance to be close |
|to him."                                |
| Over the last few years, news of the massive show-jumping bull has  |
|spread rapidly, now, Aston is a major attraction with a growing number |
|of online followers. Aston and Sabine sometimes need to travel 200 or |
|300 kilometers away from home, which means they have to stay overnight.|
|Aston has to sleep in a horse box, which isn't really big enough for  |
|him.                                  |
| "He doesn't like it. I have to sleep with him in the box," says   |
|Sabine. "But you know, when he wakes up and changes position, he is  |
|very careful not to crush me. He really is very gentle. He sometimes  |
|gets lonely, and he doesn't like being away from Leon for too long; but|
|other than that, he's very happy."                   |

Your Presentation Slides

――――――――――――――――――  ―――――――――――――――
|       [ 30 ]       | |    {Who's Who?]     |
――――――――――――――――――  ―――――――――――――――
|                 | |Main Figures         |
|                 | |[ ],[ ],[ ]       |
|                 | |          }[ 31 ] |
|        Central High School| |Minor figures        |
|   English Presentation Contest| |[ ],[ ]          |
――――――――――――――――――  ―――――――――――――――

――――――――――――――――――  ―――――――――――――――
|   [Pre-fame Storyline]    | |   [Aston's Abilities]  |
――――――――――――――――――  ―――――――――――――――
|   Sabine's horse dies.    | |[Aston can:]         |
|       ↓         | |・learn by simply watching  |
|      [ 32 ]        | | Leon's training.      |
|       ↓         | |・walk, gallop, and stop when|
|      [ 33 ]        | | Sabine tells him to.    |
|       ↓         | |・understand distance and  |
|      [ 34 ]        | | adjust his steps.     |
|       ↓         | |・[ 36 ]           |
|      [ 35 ]        | |・[ 37 ]           |
|       ↓         | |               |
|Aston and Sabine start going to  |  ―――――――――――――――
|shows.              |

|      [Aston Now]      |
|[Aston today:]          |
|・is a show-jumping bull.     |
|・travels to fairs and events with|
|  Sabine.            |
|・[ 38 ].             |
|                 |

問1 Which is the best title for your presentation? [ 30 ]
{1} Animal-lover Saves the Life of a Pony
{2} Aston's Summer Show-jumping Tour
{3} Meet Aston, the Bull who Behaves Like a Horse
{4} The Relationship Between a Farmer and a Cow

問2 Which is the best combination for [Who's Who?] slide? [ 31 ]

    [Main figures]           [Minor figures]
{1} 309, Aston, the farmer      Sabine the pony
{2} Aston, Aston's mother, Sabine  309, the farmer
{3} Aston, Leon, the farmer      Aston's mother, Sabine
{4} Aston, Sabine, the pony      Aston's mother, the farmer

問3 Choose the four events in the order they happened to complete the
[Pre-fame Storyline] slide. [ 32 ]〜[ 35 ]
{1} Aston learns to jump.
{2} Sabine and Aston travel hundreds of kilometers together.
{3} Sabine buys 309 and his mother.
{4} Sabine goes to work on her neighbor's farm.
{5} Sabine takes 309 for walks.

問4 Choose the two best items for the [Aston's Abilities] slide.
(The order does not matter.) [ 36 ]・[ 37 ]
{1} correct his mistakes by himself
{2} jump side-by-side with the pony
{3} jump with a rider on his back
{4} pick up tricks faster than a horse
{5} pose for photographs

問5 Complete the [Aston Now] slide with the most appropriate item. [ 38 ]
{1} has an increasing number of fans
{2} has made Sabine very wealthy
{3} is so famous that he no longer frightens people
{4} spends most nights of the year in a horse trailer

※一部記号は省略、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、マル1は{1}で表記しています。

=========================== お知らせ1 ===============================





興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。

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■ スラッシュリーディング

 Using / an international news report, / you are going to / take part in
/ an English oral presentation contest.
〜を使って / ある国際的なニュースレポートを / あなたは〜する予定 / 参加する
/ ある英語の口頭プレゼンテーションコンテストに

Read / the following news story / from France / in preparation
/ for your talk.
読みなさい / 次のニュースストーリーを / フランスからの / 準備で
/ あなたの話の


 Five years ago, / Mrs. Sabine Rouas / lost her horse.
5年前 / Sabine Rouasさんは / 彼女の馬を失った



=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================


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          発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
 mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU

=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================









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