Importance of the Sense of Smell
The sense of smell is an important tool for animals, such as dogs and wolves. Smell is also important for humans. Some scientists say that without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations. Anosmia , known as a condition of loss of the sense of smell, can be a symptom of various health issues. It can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as smoke or gas leaks. Research has also shown that smell is closely linked to memory and emotions, with certain scents triggering strong reactions and memories. In summary, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in the lives of both animals and humans.
Without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations, according to ____.
(1) pet owners
(2) some scientists
(3) politicians
(4) professional athletes
Anosmia can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as ____.
(1) traffic lights
(2) smoke or gas leaks
(3) construction sites
(4) loud music
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