Title: Tough Water bears
Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are microscopic creatures, ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm in length. They can be found in various environments, from high mountains to deep ocean depths. Some can even survive in extreme conditions such as under thick ice or in hot springs. Despite their small size, tardigrades are incredibly adaptable. They can live in water or in some of the driest places on Earth, where they can survive by reducing their body's water content and entering a dormant state called "tun." When surrounded by water again, they quickly revive.
These extraordinary creatures can withstand temperatures as low as -272℃ and as high as 151℃ when in the tun state. However, the exact mechanisms behind their resilience are not fully understood. Furthermore, tardigrades have an astonishing ability to survive in space. In experiments, they have endured Gamma rays, X-rays and intense ultraviolet radiation, exhibiting a survival rate of 68% after 10 days in space.
(1) Tardigrades are capable of surviving in which of the following environments?
a) Deserts with no rainfall
b) Deep ocean depths
c) Hot springs
d) All of the above
(2) How do tardigrades survive in some of the driest places on Earth?
a) By increasing their body's water content
b) By migrating to areas with higher humidity
c) By reducing their body's water content and entering a dormant state
d) By developing specialized adaptations for water conservation
(3) Tardigrades have been observed to survive in space by enduring which types of radiation?
a) Gamma rays
b) X-rays
c) Ultraviolet radiation
d) All of the above
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