



■ 問題



Your English teacher has told everyone in your class to choose a short
story in English to read. You will introduce the following story to your
classmates, using a worksheet.

Becoming an Artist

Lucy smiled in anticipation. In a moment she would walk onto the stage and
receive her prize from the mayor and the judges of the drawing contest. The
microphone screeched and then came the mayor’s announcement. “And the
winner of the drawing contest is… Robert McGinnis! Congratulations!”

Lucy stood up, still smiling. Then, her face blazing red with embarrassment,
abruptly sat down again. What? There must be a mistake! But the boy named
Robert McGinnis was already on the stage, shaking hands with the mayor and
accepting the prize. She glanced at her parents, her eyes filled with tears
of disappointment. They had expected her to do well, especially her father.
"Oh Daddy, I'm sorry I didn't win," she whispered.

Lucy had enjoyed drawing since she was a little girl. She did her first
drawing of her father when she was in kindergarten. Although it was only
a child's drawing, it really looked like him. He was delighted, and, from
that day, Lucy spent many happy hours drawing pictures to give to Mommy and

As she got older, her parents continued to encourage her. Her mother,
a busy translator, was happy that her daughter was doing something creative.
Her father bought her art books. He was no artist himself, but sometimes
gave her advice, suggesting that she look very carefully at what she was
drawing and copy as accurately as possible. Lucy tried hard, wanting to
improve her technique and please her father.

It had been Lucy's idea to enter the town drawing contest. She thought that
if she won, her artistic ability would be recognized. She practiced every
evening after school. She also spent all her weekends working quietly on her
drawings, copying her subjects as carefully as she could.

Her failure to do well came as a great shock. She had worked so hard and her
parents had been so supportive. Her father, however, was puzzled. Why did
Lucy apologize at the end of the contest? There was no need to do so. Later,
Lucy asked him why she had failed to win the competition. He answered
sympathetically, "To me, your drawing was perfect." Then he smiled, and
added, "But perhaps you should talk to your mother. She understands art
better than I do."

Her mother was thoughtful. She wanted to give Lucy advice without damaging
her daughter's self-esteem. "Your drawing was good," she told her, "but I
think it lacked something. I think you only drew what you could see. When I
translate a novel, I need to capture not only the meaning, but also the
spirit of the original. To do that, I need to consider the meaning behind
the words. Perhaps drawing is the same; you need to look under the surface."

Lucy continued to draw, but her art left her feeling unsatisfied. She
couldn't understand what her mother meant. What was wrong with drawing what
she could see? What else could she do?

Around this time, Lucy became friends with a girl called Cathy. They became
close friends and Lucy grew to appreciate her for her kindness and humorous
personality. Cathy often made Lucy laugh, telling jokes, saying ridiculous
things, and making funny faces. One afternoon, Cathy had such a funny
expression on her face that Lucy felt she had to draw it. "Hold that pose!"
she told Cathy, laughing. She drew quickly, enjoying her friend's expression
so much that she didn't really think about what she was doing.

When Lucy entered art college three years later, she still had that sketch.
It had caught Cathy exactly, not only her odd expression but also her
friend's kindness and her sense of humor- the things that are found under
the surface.

Your worksheet:

1. Story title
"Becoming an Artist"

2. People in the story
Lucy: She loves to draw.
Lucy's father: He [ 30 ].
Lucy's mother: She is a translator and supports Lucy.
Cathy: She becomes Lucy's close friend.

3. What the story is about
Lucy's growth as an artist:
[ 31 ]
[ 32 ]
[ 33 ]
[ 34 ]
Her drawing improves thanks to [ 35 ] and [ 36 ].

4. My favorite part of the story
When the result of the contest is announced, Lucy says, "Oh Daddy, I'm
sorry I didn't win."
This shows that Lucy [ 37 ].

5. Why I chose this story
Because I want to be a voice actor and this story taught me the importance
of trying to [ 38 ] to make the characters I play seem more real.

問1 Choose the best option for [ 30 ].

{1} gives Lucy some drawing tips
{2} has Lucy make drawings of him often
{3} spends weekends drawing with Lucy
{4} wants Lucy to work as an artist

問2 Choose four out of the five descriptions ({1}〜{5}) and rearrange them
in the order they happened.[ 31 ]→[ 32 ]→[ 33 ]→[ 34 ]

{1} She becomes frustrated with her drawing.
{2} She decides not to show anyone her drawings.
{3} She draws with her feelings as well as her eyes.
{4} She has fun making drawings as gifts.
{5} She works hard to prove her talent at drawing.

問3 Choose the best two options for [ 35 ] and [ 36 ]. (The order does not

{1} a friend she couldn't help sketching
{2} a message she got from a novel
{3} advice she received from her mother
{4} her attempt to make a friend laugh
{5} spending weekends drawing indoors.

問4 Choose the best option for [ 37 ].

{1} didn't practice as much as her father expected
{2} knew her father didn't like her entering the contest
{3} thought she should have followed her father's advice
{4} was worried she had disappointed her father

問5 Choose the best option for [ 38 ].

{1} achieve a better understanding of people
{2} analyze my own feelings more deeply
{3} describe accurately what is happening around me
{4} use different techniques depending on the situation

★                                 ★
★     茨城県水戸市、常陸太田市の個別指導教室         ★
★ 「AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)」では、生徒募集をしています。   ★
★ 対象は小学生・中学生・高校生・浪人生。社会人も歓迎します!   ★
★ オンライン授業も好評です!全国の生徒さんに対応可能です。    ★
★                                 ★


 興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。

 家庭教師・塾のサイトと連絡先はここ → http://www.a-ema.com/


■ スラッシュリーディング


Your English teacher has told everyone / in your class / to choose
/ a short story / in English / to read.
あなたの英語の先生は皆に言った / 授業で / 選ぶように
/ 短い物語を / 英語で / 読むための

You will introduce / the following story / to your classmates,
/ using a worksheet.
あなたは紹介するつもりだ / 次の物語を / クラスメートに
/ ワークシートを使って

Becoming an Artist

Lucy smiled / in anticipation.
Lucyは微笑んだ / 期待して

In a moment / she would walk / onto the stage / and receive her prize
/ from the mayor / and the judges / of the drawing contest.
瞬間 / 彼女が歩いた / ステージの上へ / そして賞を受け取る
/ 市長から / そして審査員から / 絵画コンテストの

The microphone screeched / and then / came the mayor’s announcement.



=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================


■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ

■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ

■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)


★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS







■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ

          発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
 mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
 youtube EMA Atsushiチャンネル:https://www.youtube.com/@emajuku

=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================








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