■ 問題
B You have been asked to keep an online diary available only to other
students in the class, to follow at least one other student and to respond
to their posts, You chose to read Christina's diary because you are also
thinking of moving into an apartment.
I'm so happy to be leaving the university dorm and moving into a quiet
apartment :-)! Renting an apartment is expensive in Osaka! The day before
yesterday, I finally received a money transfer from my mum and dad in
Singapore and was able to pay the apartment agency. I'd wanted to move in
this Wednesday, but they say the earliest I can move in is Thursday. But
that's my birthday, and I have other more important things to do :-), so
I'll be getting my key on Friday the 24th at 9 a.m.
2023.03.19 Sun. 11:16
Because of the design of my new apartment, I've had to think carefully about
the order I'm having stuff delivered. You have to walk through the
kitchen/living room to get to the bedroom, and the only place I can put my
second-hand washing machine is right next to genkan. So my big wardrobe,
a present from my mum and dad, is being delivered first, tomorrow, with the
special permission of the agency. I decided to have the washing machine
delivered the week after I move in and everything has settled down. The
delivery of my fridge and kitchen table is scheduled for late afternoon on
the day I move in.
2023.03.21 Tue. 22:24
I had my birthday party today :-)! Very busy―moving in tomorrow! Also very
annoyed―my wardrobe wasn't delivered :-(. They've promised me it'll come
next week, but I don't know if that'll be before or after the washing
2023.03.23 Thur. 23:08
Almost done :-). Bought some dishes and a rug at a discount store this
afternoon. It's great to be out of the dorm and have some privacy.
2023.03.25 Sat. 18:46
Both the wardrobe and the washing machine came today (see photos). Luckily,
they came in the right order :-). Got to start studying again, I've done
very little at all for more than a week now...
2023.03.29 Wed. 14:20
問1 The following events are described in Christina's online diary:
{1} Christina buys a rug and dishes.
{2} Christina has her birthday party.
{3} Christina moves into her apartment.
{4} Christina's fridge comes.
{5} Christina's parents send her money.
{6} Christina's wardrobe is delivered.
{7} Christina's washing machine arrives.
Which of {1}, {3} and {4} happened [first]? [ 18 ]
Which of {2}, {3} and {5} happened [first]? [ 19 ]
Which of {1}, {2} and {6} happened [last]? [ 20 ]
Which of {4}, {6} and {7} happened [last]? [ 21 ]
(You must have [all] of [ 18 ]〜[ 21 ] correct to get points.)
問2 You are checking all the student responses to Christina's 2023.03.23.
post. Which response appears to be a [misunderstanding]? [ 22 ]
{1} Calm down! Try not to get so angry! Tomorrow is another day!
{2} Do you need any help moving in? I'd really love to give you a hand.
{3} Good to hear your wardrobe will come tomorrow! Best of luck!
{4} Which delivery company are you using? I don't want to use them...
問3 Which of these is [not] true about Christina? [ 23 ]
{1} Her birthday is important to her.
{2} She frequently gets very lonely.
{3} She is a very organised person.
{4} She is quite careful with money.
★ ★
★ 茨城県水戸市、常陸太田市の個別指導教室 ★
★ 「AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)」では、生徒募集をしています。 ★
★ 対象は小学生・中学生・高校生・浪人生。社会人も歓迎します! ★
★ オンライン授業も好評です!全国の生徒さんに対応可能です。 ★
★ ★
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
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■ スラッシュリーディング
B You have been asked / to keep an online diary / available
/ only to other students / in the class,
あなたは頼まれた / オンラインの日記をつけることを / 利用可能な
/ 他の学生だけに / クラスで
/ to follow / at least / one other student / and to respond
/ to their posts.
フォローするために / 少なくとも / 一人の他の学生を / そして応答するために
/ 彼らの投稿に
You chose to read / Christina's diary / because / you are also thinking
/ of moving into an apartment.
あなたは読むことを選んだ / Christinaの日記を / なぜなら / あなたも考えている
/ あるアパートに引っ越すことを
I'm so happy / to be leaving / the university dorm / and moving into
/ a quiet apartment :-)!
私はとても嬉しい / 去る予定で / 大学の寮を / そして引っ越す
/ 静かなアパートに
Renting an apartment / is expensive / in Osaka!
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================