■ 問題
B You are preparing for a science fair presentation on a scientific
discovery, using the following magazine article.
["Smart" Fabrics]
Through the years, the fabrics we use have evolved to suit our changing
lifestyles and needs. Linen, made from the fibers of a plant called flax,
is one of the oldest textiles in the world. It naturally reflects away the
sun and its intense heat, and allows better airflow than other types of
fabric. Light and airy, linen has long been the ideal fabric for warm
climates. With industrialization and population growth, however, cotton
became more commonly used since it was suitable for mass production. Cloth
made from cotton can be heavy and can trap body heat though, which may make
people feel uncomfortable in very hot and humid weather.
Newer materials are always being developed as technology progresses, and
"smart" fabrics are a recent scientific breakthrough in the textile
industry. Weaving flexible synthetic fibers into cloth can provide
additional functions for the fabric. For example, scientists at the
Huazhong University of Science and Technology made a new fabric called
"metafabric" that deflects heat to keep people cooler. Such fabric can be
used to create clothes that ease the discomfort people suffer when the
temperature rises. In their experiment, a participant wore a vest
consisting of two halves―one half cotton and the other metafabric―and was
exposed to direct sunlight for an hour. Underneath the cotton, the skin
temperature soared to 37℃. In contrast, underneath the metafabric, the
temperature rose by just one degree, from 31℃ to 32℃.
Another interesting example is a fabric that can detect sounds. The human
ear picks up sound pressures, and the inner organs convert sound waves into
mechanical vibrations and then into electrical signals. Similarly,
"piezoelectric materials," which are typically used for microphones or
speakers, produce an electrical signal when mechanically bent.
Using this knowledge, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and the Rhode Island School of Design came up with
a so-called "acoustic fabric." The researchers wove a piezoelectric fiber
into fabric and conducted a series of experiments. One experiment examined
the fabric's sensitivity to sound directions. They sewed two pieces of
acoustic fabric onto the back of a shirt. Then, they clapped their hands at
various angles away from the shirt. The fiber converted the sound first
into mechanical vibrations, then into electrical signals that were stored
on a device. The fabric was successfully able to pinpoint the angle of the
sounds. This could lead to a useful application for individuals with
hearing aids to identify the direction of a specific sound even in noisy
In addition to functioning as wearable hearing aids, acoustic fabric can
be used for other purposes such as tracking respiratory (lung), pulse, and
cardiac (heart) conditions. Another experiment tested whether clothes with
acoustic fibers could act as fabric stethoscopes to monitor a person's
subtle cardiac features. The research group attached a single fiber over
the chest region on a shirt and found it accurately detected the wearer's
heart signals. Furthermore, this result indicated the possibility of
utilizing the fabric in maternity clothes to check an unborn baby's
Researchers see applications of smart fabrics beyond clothing. A smart
fabric with cooling performance can be applied to various products for
different purposes, such as tents, car covers, curtains and sunshade
products. Acoustic fabrics can be integrated with spacecraft coatings to
monitor cosmic debris, or be used to help detect cracks or strains in
buildings. They can even be woven into a net to check on fish in the sea.
As these examples of textile innovation suggest, new fabrics can enhance
our lives in many ways. You may not believe this, but the coolest things
about these fabrics are that you can get "smart" while wearing them and
some of them are machine-washable!
Your slides:
問1 Which is the best title for the presentation on Slide 1? [ 44 ]
{1} Bio-Based Textile Innovation
{2} First Fabric That Addresses New Challenges
{3} Great Advantages of Clever Textiles
{4} The History of Fiber Design
問2 What does the result of the experiment by the Huazhong University of
Science and Technology imply on Slide 3? Choose the best option for [ 45 ].
{1} It is far easier to create an outfit that keeps you warm.
{2} Light-colored fabric is more suitable for reflecting the sunlight.
{3} The newly invented fabrics can keep people comfortable in hot weather.
{4} You should wear a shirt made of the metafabric over your other clothing.
問3 You are summarizing the steps in conducting the acoustic study on the
smart shirt on Slide 4. Choose the best options for [ 46 ] and [ 47 ].
{1} Mechanical vibrations were bent by the fabric.
{2} Sounds from various directions were made.
{3} The acoustic fabric recorded the sounds.
{4} The output from each fiber was saved.
{5} The researchers moved a shirt to different places.
{6} Various types of sounds were measured by a shirt.
問4 What can be inferred as a possible benefit of wearing an acoustic
fabric on Slide 5? Choose the best option for [ 48 ].
{1} A person with irregular cardiac activity can get help.
{2} Acoustic fabric can give a person directions on the street.
{3} It can help a person breathe more deeply and easily.
{4} It can reduce noise levels and answer phone calls.
問5 You found an error on Slide 6. Which of the following should you
[remove]? [ 49 ]
{1} A
{2} B
{3} C
{4} D
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■ スラッシュリーディング
B You are preparing / for a science fair presentation
/ on a scientific discovery, / using the following magazine article.
あなたは準備している / 科学フェアの発表のために
/ 科学的な発見についての / 次の雑誌記事を使って
["Smart" Fabrics]
Through the years, / the fabrics / we use / have evolved
/ to suit our changing lifestyles / and needs.
長年 / 生地は / 私たちが使う / 進化してきた
/ 私たちの変化するライフスタイルに合うよう / そしてニーズに
Linen, / made from the fibers / of a plant / called flax,
/ is one of the oldest textiles / in the world.
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■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
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■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
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