■ 問題
Your college English club's room has several problems and you want to
redesign it. Based on the following article and the results of a
questionnaire given to members, you make a handout for a group discussion.
| [What Makes a Good Classroom?] |
| Diana Bashworth, writer at Trends in Education |
| |
| As many schools work to improve their classrooms, it is important to |
|have some ideas for making design decisions. SIN, which stands for |
|Stimulation, Individualization, and Naturalness, is a framework that |
|might be helpful to consider when designing classrooms. |
| The first, Stimulation, has two aspects: color and complexity. This |
|has to do with the ceiling, floor, walls, and interior furnishings. For |
|example, a classroom that lacks colors might be uninteresting. On the |
|other hand, a classroom should not be too colorful. A bright color could|
|be used on one wall, on the floor, window coverings, or furniture. In |
|addition, it can be visually distracting to have too many things |
|displayed on walls. It is suggested that 20 to 30 percent of wall space |
|remain free. |
| The next item in the framework is Individualization, which includes |
|two considerations: ownership and flexibility. Ownership refers to |
|whether the classroom feels personalized. Examples of this include |
|having chairs and desks that are suitable for student sizes and ages, |
|and providing storage space and areas for displaying student works or |
|projects. Flexibility is about having a classroom that allows for |
|different kinds of activities. |
| Naturalness relates to the quality and quantity of light, both natural|
|and artificial, and the temperature of the classroom. Too much natural |
|light may make screens and boards difficult to see; students may have |
|difficulty reading or writing if there is a lack of light. In addition, |
|hot summer classrooms do not promote effective study. Schools should |
|install systems allowing for the adjustment of both light and |
|temperature. |
| While Naturalness is more familiar to us, and therefore often |
|considered the priority, the other components are equally important. |
|Hopefully, these ideas can guide your project to a successful end. |
| [Results of the Questionnaire] |
| |
|[Q1: Choose any items that match your use of the English club's room.] |
|| Number of club members = 38||
|| Chatting in English |■4 ||
|| Chatting in Japanese |■■■■■■■■30 ||
||Checking out English books |■■8 ||
|| Doing English homework |■■■10 ||
|| Playing smartphone games |■■■■■18 ||
|| Sleeping |■■■■■■■■■32 ||
|| Other |■■■12 ||
| |
|[Q2: What do you think about the current English club's room?] |
|Main comments: |
|Student 1(S1): I can't see the projector screen and whiteboard well on a|
| sunny day. Also, there's no way to control the temperature. |
|S2: By the windows, the sunlight makes it hard to read. The other side |
| of the room doesn't get enough light. Also, the books are disorganized|
| and the walls are covered with posters. It makes me feel uncomfortable.|
|S3: The chairs don't really fit me and the desks are hard to move when |
| we work in small groups. Also, lots of members speak Japanese, even |
| though it's an English club. |
|S4: The pictures of foreign countries on the walls make me want to speak|
| English. Everyone likes the sofas――they are so comfortable that we |
| often use the room for sleeping! |
|S5: The room is so far away, so I hardly ever go there! Aren't there |
| other rooms available? |
|S6: There's so much gray in the room. I don't like it. But it's good |
| that there are plenty of everyday English phrases on the walls! |
Your discussion handout:
| [Room Improvement Project] |
| |
|[■ SIN Framework] |
|− What it is: [ 24 ] |
|− SIN = Stimulation, Individualization, Naturalness |
| |
|[■ Design Recommendations Based on SIN and Questionnaire Results] |
|− Stimulation: |
| Cover the floor with a colorful rug and [ 25 ]. |
| |
|− Individualization: |
| Replace room furniture. |
| (tables with wheels → easy to move around) |
| |
|− Naturalness: |
| [ 26 ] |
| A.Install blinds on windows. |
| B.Make temperature control possible. |
| C.Move projector screen away from windows. |
| D.Place sofas near walls. |
| E.Put floor lamp in darker corner. |
| |
|[■ Other Issues to Discuss] |
|− The majority of members [ 27 ] the room as [ 28 ]'s comment |
| mentioned. How can we solve this? |
|− Based on both the graph and [ 29 ]'s comment, should we set a |
| language rule in the room to motivate members to speak English more? |
|− S5 doesn't like the location, but we can't change the room, so let's |
| think about how to encourage members to visit more often. |
問1 Choose the best option for [ 24 ].
{1} A guide to show which colors are appropriate to use in classrooms
{2} A method to prioritize the needs of students and teachers in classrooms
{3} A model to follow when planning classroom environments
{4} A system to understand how classrooms influence students' performance
問2 Choose the best option for [ 25 ].
{1} move the screen to a better place
{2} paint each wall a different color
{3} put books on shelves
{4} reduce displayed items
問3 You are checking the handout. You notice an error in the
recommendations under Naturalness. Which of the following should you
[remove]? [ 26 ]
{1} A
{2} B
{3} C
{4} D
{5} E
問4 Choose the best option for [ 27 ] and [ 28 ].
[ 27 ]
{1} borrow books from
{2} can't easily get to
{3} don't use Japanese in
{4} feel anxious in
{5} take naps in
[ 28 ]
{1} S1
{2} S2
{3} S3
{4} S4
{5} S5
{6} S6
問5 Choose the best option for [ 29 ].
{1} S1
{2} S2
{3} S3
{4} S4
{5} S5
{6} S6
※一部の図や記号は省略または類似のものに変更、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、
★ ★
★ 茨城県水戸市、常陸太田市の個別指導教室 ★
★ 「AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)」では、生徒募集をしています。 ★
★ 対象は小学生・中学生・高校生・浪人生。社会人も歓迎します! ★
★ オンライン授業も好評です!全国の生徒さんに対応可能です。 ★
★ ★
興味をお持ちの方は、まずは mm@a-ema.com までお問い合わせください。
家庭教師・塾のサイトと連絡先はここ → http://www.a-ema.com/
■ 問いの内容と解説
問1 Choose the best option / for [ 24 ].
最適な選択肢を選びなさい / [ 24 ]に
[■ SIN Framework]
− What it is: [ 24 ]
− SIN = Stimulation, Individualization, Naturalness
この部分ですね。SIN Frameworkとは何か?を選びます。
{1} A guide / to show / which colors are appropriate to use / in classrooms
ガイド / 見せるための / どの色を使うのが適切かを / 教室で
{2} A method / to prioritize / the needs / of students and teachers
/ in classrooms
方法 / 優先順位を見定める / ニーズを / 学生と先生の
/ 教室での
{3} A model / to follow / when planning / classroom environments
モデル / 従うための / 計画するとき / 教室の環境を
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================