■ 問題
A Your English teacher has assigned this article to you. You need to
prepare notes to give a short talk.
[Perception of Time]
When you hear the word "time," it is probably hours, minutes, and seconds
that immediately come to mind. In the late 19th century, however,
philosopher Henri Bergson described how people usually do not experience
time as it is measured by clocks ([clock time]). Humans do not have a known
biological mechanism to measure clock time, so they use mental processes
instead. This is called [psychological time], which everyone perceives
If you were asked how long it had taken to finish your homework, you
probably would not know exactly. You would think back and make an estimate.
In a 1975 experiment, participants were shown either simple or complex
shapes for a fixed amount of time and asked to memorize them. Afterwards,
they were asked how long they had looked at the shapes. To answer, they
used a mental process called [retrospective timing], which is estimating
time based on the information retrieved from memory. Participants who were
shown the complex shapes felt the time was longer, while the people who saw
the simple shapes experienced the opposite.
Another process to measure psychological time is called [prospective
timing]. It is used when you are actively keeping track of time while doing
something. Instead of using the amount of information recalled, the level
of attention given to time while doing the activity is used. In several
studies, the participants performed tasks while estimating the time needed
to complete them. Time seemed shorter for the people doing more challenging
mental activities which required them to place more focus on the task than
on time. Time felt longer for the participants who did simpler tasks and
the longest for those who were waiting or doing nothing.
Your emotional state can influence your awareness of time, too. For
example, you can be enjoying a concert so much that you forget about time.
Afterwards, you are shocked that hours have passed by in what seemed to be
the blink of an eye. To explain this, we often say, "Time flies when you're
having fun." The opposite occurs when you are bored. Instead of being
focused on an activity, you notice the time. It seems to go very slowly as
you cannot wait for your boredom to end. Fear also affects our perception
of time. In a 2006 study, more than 60 people experienced skydiving for the
first time. Participants with high levels of unpleasant emotions perceived
the time spent skydiving to be much longer than it was in reality.
Psychological time also seems to move differently during life stages.
Children constantly encounter new information and have new experiences,
which makes each day memorable and seem longer when recalled. Also, time
creeps by for them as they anticipate upcoming events such as birthdays
and trips. For most adults, unknown information is rarely encountered and
new experiences become less frequent, so less mental focus is required and
each day becomes less memorable. However, this is not always the case.
Daily routines are shaken up when drastic changes occur, such as changing
jobs or relocating to a new city. In such cases, the passage of time for
those people is similar to that for children. But generally speaking, time
seems to accelerate as we mature.
Knowledge of psychological time can be helpful in our daily lives, as it
may help us deal with boredom. Because time passes slowly when we are not
mentally focused and thinking about time, changing to a more engaging
activity, such as reading a book, will help ease our boredom and speed up
the time. The next occasion that you hear "Time flies when you're having
fun," you will be reminded of this.
Your notes:
| [Perception of Time] |
| |
|[Outline by paragraph] |
| 1.[ 39 ] |
| 2.Retrospective timing |
| 3.Prospective timing |
| 4.[ 40 ] |
| ≫Skydiving |
| 5.Effects of age |
| ≫Time speeds up as we mature, but a [ 41 ]. |
| 6.Practical tips |
| |
|[My original examples to help the audience] |
| A.Retrospective timing |
| Example: [ 42 ] |
| B.Prospective timing |
| Example: [ 43 ] |
問1 Choose the best options for [ 39 ] and [ 40 ].
{1} Biological mechanisms
{2} Effects of our feelings
{3} Kinds of memory
{4} Life stages
{5} Ongoing research
{6} Types of time
問2 Choose the best option for [ 41 ].
{1} major lifestyle change at any age will likely make time slow down
{2} major lifestyle change regardless of age will likely make time speed up
{3} minor lifestyle change for adults will likely make time slow down
{4} minor lifestyle change for children will likely make time speed up
問3 Choose the best option for [ 42 ].
{1} anticipating a message from a classmate
{2} memorizing your mother's cellphone number
{3} reflecting on how many hours you worked today
{4} remembering that you have a meeting tomorrow
問4 Choose the best option for [ 43 ].
{1} guessing how long you've been jogging so far
{2} making a schedule for the basketball team summer camp
{3} running into your tennis coach at the railway station
{4} thinking about your last family vacation to a hot spring
※一部記号は省略、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、マル1は{1}で表記しています。
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■ スラッシュリーディング
A Your English teacher has assigned / this article / to you.
あなたの英語の先生は指定した / この記事を / あなたに
You need to prepare notes / to give a short talk.
あなたはメモを準備する必要がある / 短い話をするために
[Perception of Time] [時間の知覚]
When you hear the word "time," / it is probably hours, / minutes,
/ and seconds / that immediately come to mind.
「時間」という言葉を聞くとき / それはたぶん時間だ / 分
/ そして秒 / それが即座に思い浮かぶ
In the late 19th century, / however, / philosopher Henri Bergson described
/ how people usually do not experience time / as it is measured
/ by clocks ([clock time]).
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
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