■ 問題
A Your English teacher has assigned this article to you. You need to
prepare notes to give a short talk.
[Belief Perseverance]
There may be some out-of-date rules at your school. If you ask your
teachers to update these rules, your ideas may be rejected. Of course, most
of their objections will be reasonable, but some may be caused by [belief
perseverance], the psychological characteristic of maintaining an existing
belief despite any new information. Although this tendency itself is
neither good nor bad, it may cause conflicts ranging from personal problems
to social phenomena.
A study published in 1980 by Craig A. Anderson and his colleagues describes
this human tendency. In the first stage of their experiment, the
participants were presented with evidence that led them to conclude that
firefighters who were willing to take risks performed their jobs better.
Surprisingly, even after the participants were told that the evidence was
false, they were reluctant to change their conclusions. Why is it difficult
to change our beliefs? This is partly because we have [confirmation bias],
a psychological tendency to look for information consistent with our
existing beliefs. Also, in some cases, the more others attempt to prove our
beliefs wrong, the more firmly we stick to them, which called the [backfire
The case of Ignaz Philip Semmelweis demonstrates belief perseverance in
one group in society. He was a 19th-century physician who wondered why more
women died from a fever after giving birth in one place than in another.
His data apparently indicated that hand washing could reduce the number of
occurrences of the deadly fever. However, at that time, handwashing was not
common among doctors. His potentially life-saving idea was ignored by the
medical community, and many doctors rejected it and even harassed him.
Semmelweis' claim was eventually accepted long after his death. This
episode demonstrates how a group of people with belief perseverance can
become aggressive towards innovators and ground-breaking idea. This social
reaction was named the [Semmelweis reflex] after this incident.
Understanding belief perseverance can give us insights into the ways
people behave. Imagine that you want to study abroad, and your family
strongly opposes it because they believe that the city you plan to live in
is dangerous. Even after showing them data on the city's crime rate, you
may find out that your efforts end up only adding fuel to the fire. If you
encounter this backfire effect, an alternative approach might be needed.
You could ask your teacher to speak with your family on your behalf, taking
advantage of a related behavior that people tend to trust the opinions of
an authority.
If someone presents you with hard-to-believe information, be careful not
to reject it immediately. If your internal voice warns you not to act on
that information, it is time to remind yourself of belief perseverance. To
be stubborn may not be good for you. However, in many cases, the
persistence of existing beliefs is desirable or even necessary these days.
Remember that the Internet conveys not only accurate but also unreliable
information. Belief perseverance can also protect you from potentially
false information. In other words, take time to find out more before
accepting new information. After all, we humans have developed belief
perseverance over time to ensure our survival. Understanding human nature
is one of the keys to keeping your life balanced.
Your notes:
[Belief Perseverance (BP)]
・is a tendency to maintain an existing belief despite any new information.
・can be [ 39 ].
[Outline by paragraph]
1. Introduction to BP
2. Experiment and explanation
3. [ 40 ]
4. [ 41 ]
5. Final remarks
[Stories mentioned in the article]
・The firefighters story shows us that [ 42 ].
・The Semmelweis story tells us that even a truly innovative idea with
sufficient evidence can be initially rejected.
[Practical lessons from the article]
Learning about the nature of human psychology helps us to [ 43 ].
問1 Choose the best option for [ 39 ].
{1} a barrier which stops people from expressing their opinions
{2} a cause of positive or negative outcomes for anyone
{3} a major disadvantage for people who are easily convinced
{4} an obstacle preventing us from keeping our beliefs strong
問2 Choose the best options for [ 40 ] and [ 41 ].
{1} A story of a doctor who rejected handwashing
{2} An example of the social consequences of BP
{3} An example showing the difficulty of understanding others
{4} Application of BP knowledge when convincing others
{5} Strategies for effectively countering new information
{6} Tendency to search for advice from specialists
問3 Choose the best option for [ 42 ].
{1} BP appears to have an influence on anyone, even in situations one
wouldn't expect
{2} confirmation bias is found when people want to believe new information
{3} the backfire effect often happens when a stubborn person's opinion is
{4} the Semmelweis reflex is often observed in occupations where risks are
問4 Choose the best option for [ 43 ].
{1} analyze historical discoveries from a scientific point of view
{2} make reasonable decisions when dealing with new information
{3} recognize immediately whether given information is true or not
{4} understand when it is appropriate or necessary to take risks
※一部記号は省略、マーク部分の□や下線部は[ ]、マル1は{1}で表記しています。
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■ スラッシュリーディング
A Your English teacher has assigned this article / to you.
あなたの英語の先生はこの記事を課題に出した / あなたに
You need to prepare notes / to give a short talk.
あなたはメモを用意する必要がある / 短い話をするために
[Belief Perseverance][信念の持続]
There may be some out-of-date rules / at your school.
いくつかの時代遅れのルールがあるかも知れない / あなたの学校で
If you ask your teachers / to update these rules,
/ your ideas may be rejected.
もしあなたが先生に頼むならば / これらのルールをアップデートするよう
/ あなたの考えは拒絶されるかも知れない
=========================== お知らせ2 ===============================
■ センター数学を理由の理由まで解説するブログ
■ センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
■ 何でも解説するブログ(塾&家庭教師ブログ)
★江間淳(えまあつし)の書籍一覧 → http://amzn.to/2lnKZdS
■ 共通テスト・センター英語をひとつひとつ解説するブログ
発行者 江間淳(EMA Atsushi)
mm@a-ema.com http://www.a-ema.com/k/ https://twitter.com/A_EMA_RYU
=========================== お知らせ3 ===============================