
英語読解問題「Tough Water bears」解答




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(1) Tardigrades are capable of surviving / in which of the following environments?
クマムシは生き残る能力がある / 次のどの環境で

a) Deserts with no rainfall 降雨がない砂漠
b) Deep ocean depths 深い海の底
c) Hot springs 熱い温泉
d) All of the above 上記全て


(2) How do tardigrades survive / in some of the driest places / on Earth?
どうやってクマムシは生き残るか / 最も乾燥した場所で / 地球上で

a) By increasing their body's water content 体の水分量を増やすことによって
b) By migrating to areas with higher humidity 湿度がより高い地域に移住することによって
c) By reducing their body's water content and entering a dormant state 体の水分量を減らして休眠状態に入ることによって
d) By developing specialized adaptations for water conservation 水の保存のための特別な適応を開発することによって


(3) Tardigrades have been observed / to survive / in space / by enduring which types of radiation?
クマムシは観察された / 生き残ると / 宇宙で / どのタイプの電磁波に耐えることによって

a) Gamma rays ガンマ線
b) X-rays X線
c) Ultraviolet radiation 紫外線
d) All of the above 上記全て




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英語読解問題「Tough Water Bears」本文内容



Title: Tough Water bears

Tardigrades, / also known as water bears, / are microscopic creatures, / ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm / in length.
クマムシは / water bearとしても知られる / 微生物だ / 0.1 mmから0.5 mmの範囲の / 長さが

They can be found / in various environments, / from high mountains / to deep ocean depths.
それらは見つけられる / 様々な環境で / 高い山から / 深い海の底まで

Some can even survive / in extreme conditions / such as under thick ice / or in hot springs.
いくつかは生き残ることもできる / 極端な環境で / 厚い氷の下のような / または温泉で

Despite their small size, / tardigrades are incredibly adaptable.
小さいサイズにもかかわらず / クマムシは信じられないほど適応性がある

They can live in water / or in some of the driest places / on Earth,
それらは水中で生きることができる / または最も乾燥した場所で / 地球上で

/ where they can survive / by reducing their body's water content / and entering a dormant state / called "tun."
/ そこで彼らは生き残ることができる / 自分の体の水分量を減らすことで / そして休眠状態に入ることで / "tun"と呼ばれる

When surrounded by water again, / they quickly revive.
再び水に囲まれると / それらは素早く生き返る

These extraordinary creatures / can withstand temperatures / as low as -272℃ / and as high as 151℃ / when in the tun state.
これらの並外れた生物は / 温度に耐えることができる / -272℃もの低温に / そして151℃もの高温に / 乾眠の状態のとき

However, / the exact mechanisms / behind their resilience / are not fully understood.
しかしながら / その正確な機構は / それらの生命力の背後の / 完全には理解されていない

Furthermore, / tardigrades have an astonishing ability / to survive / in space.
さらに / クマムシは驚くべき能力を持っている / 生き残る / 宇宙で

In experiments, / they have endured Gamma rays, X-rays / and intense ultraviolet radiation, / exhibiting a survival rate of 68% / after 10 days in space.
実験で / それらはガンマ線やX線に耐えた / そして強力な紫外線に / 68%の生存率を示して / 宇宙で10日の後



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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英語読解問題「Tough Water bears」問題


Title: Tough Water bears

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are microscopic creatures, ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm in length. They can be found in various environments, from high mountains to deep ocean depths. Some can even survive in extreme conditions such as under thick ice or in hot springs. Despite their small size, tardigrades are incredibly adaptable. They can live in water or in some of the driest places on Earth, where they can survive by reducing their body's water content and entering a dormant state called "tun." When surrounded by water again, they quickly revive.

These extraordinary creatures can withstand temperatures as low as -272℃ and as high as 151℃ when in the tun state. However, the exact mechanisms behind their resilience are not fully understood. Furthermore, tardigrades have an astonishing ability to survive in space. In experiments, they have endured Gamma rays, X-rays and intense ultraviolet radiation, exhibiting a survival rate of 68% after 10 days in space.

(1) Tardigrades are capable of surviving in which of the following environments?
a) Deserts with no rainfall
b) Deep ocean depths
c) Hot springs
d) All of the above

(2) How do tardigrades survive in some of the driest places on Earth?
a) By increasing their body's water content
b) By migrating to areas with higher humidity
c) By reducing their body's water content and entering a dormant state
d) By developing specialized adaptations for water conservation

(3) Tardigrades have been observed to survive in space by enduring which types of radiation?
a) Gamma rays
b) X-rays
c) Ultraviolet radiation
d) All of the above



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Traditional Japanese Attire: Kimono and Yukata 解答編



What are some occasions when people wear kimono?
A) Going to school 学校に行く
B) Attending weddings 結婚式に参加する
C) Playing sports スポーツをする
D) Going to the beach ビーチに行く


The kimono is a formal and beautiful outfit / made of silk.
着物はフォーマルで美しい衣装だ / 絹で作られた

It is worn / on important occasions / like weddings, tea ceremonies, and festivals.
それは着られる / 重要な場面で / 結婚式、茶会、そして祭のような


Which fabric is commonly used to make yukata?
A) Denim
B) Silk
C) Cotton
D) Leather


What is a characteristic of yukata?

A) It is worn during winter. それは冬の間に着られる
B) It is made of heavy fabric. それは重い素材で作られている
C) It has simple designs. それはシンプルなデザインを持つ
D) It requires complex accessories. それは複雑なアクセサリーを要求する

On the other hand, / the yukata is a lighter / and more casual outfit.
一方 / 浴衣はより軽い / そしてもっとカジュアルな衣装だ

It is made of cotton / or other light materials.
それは木綿で作られている / または他の軽い素材で

People wear yukatas / during summer festivals / and when they go to hot springs.
人々は浴衣を着る / 夏祭りの間に / そして温泉に行くときに

Yukatas have cool designs / with bold patterns and bright colors.
浴衣はクールなデザインを持つ / はっきりとしたパターンと明るい色を持った

They are comfortable to wear / and come with a simple obi belt / and geta sandals.
それらは着るのが快適だ / そしてシンプルな帯とともに来る / そして下駄と



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Traditional Japanese Attire: Kimono and Yukata 本文の内容



Title: Traditional Japanese Attire: Kimono and Yukata

Kimono and yukata are two special clothes / in Japan / that show its rich culture.
着物と浴衣は2つの特別な衣服だ / 日本の / その豊かな文化を示す

Many people wear them / for different reasons. / Let's learn / about these traditional Japanese clothes / in a simple and easy way.
多くの人々がそれらを着る / 異なる理由で / 学びましょう / これらの伝統的な日本の衣服について / シンプルで簡単な方法で

The kimono is a formal and beautiful outfit / made of silk.
着物はフォーマルで美しい衣装だ / 絹で作られた

It is worn / on important occasions / like weddings, tea ceremonies, and festivals.
それは着られる / 重要な場面で / 結婚式、茶会、そして祭のような

Kimonos have bright colors and pretty designs / that have special meanings.
着物は明るい色ときれいなデザインを持つ / 特別な意味を持つ

Wearing a kimono needs practice / because / it has many layers / and a wide obi belt.
着物を着ることは練習が必要だ / なぜなら / それはたくさんの層がある / そして幅の広い帯が

People also wear special accessories / like zori sandals and a folding fan / with it.
人々は特別なアクセサリーも身につける / 草履や扇子のような / それと共に

On the other hand, / the yukata is a lighter / and more casual outfit.
一方 / 浴衣はより軽い / そしてもっとカジュアルな衣装だ

It is made of cotton / or other light materials.
それは木綿で作られている / または他の軽い素材で

People wear yukatas / during summer festivals / and when they go to hot springs.
人々は浴衣を着る / 夏祭りの間に / そして温泉に行くときに

Yukatas have cool designs / with bold patterns and bright colors.
浴衣はクールなデザインを持つ / はっきりとしたパターンと明るい色を持った

They are comfortable to wear / and come with a simple obi belt / and geta sandals.
それらは着るのが快適だ / そしてシンプルな帯とともに来る / そして下駄と

Both kimono and yukata / let people show / their own style.
着物と浴衣の両方は / 人々に見せさせる / 自分自身のスタイルを

They represent tradition and gracefulness, / showing the beauty / of Japanese craftsmanship.
それらは伝統と優美を表す / 美しさを見せて / 日本の職人技の

These clothes have changed / over time, / and now / there are modern versions / that mix old and new styles.
これらの衣服は替わってきた / 長い間に / そして今 / モダンなバージョンがある / 古いのと新しいスタイルを複合する

Learning about kimono and yukata / helps us understand / Japan's rich culture.
着物と浴衣について学ぶことは / 私たちが理解するのを助ける / 日本の豊かな文化を

They remind us / to value traditions / and appreciate diversity.
それは私たちに思い出させる / 伝統を尊重することを / そして多様性を評価することを

Whether / we wear a kimono / for a formal event / or a yukata for a summer festival, / these clothes let us connect / with Japan's timeless heritage.
〜にかかわらず / 私たちが着物を着る / フォーマルなイベントに / または夏祭りに浴衣を / これらの衣服は私たちを結びつける / 日本の時代を超えた遺産と



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Traditional Japanese Attire: Kimono and Yukata 問題編


Title: Traditional Japanese Attire: Kimono and Yukata

Kimono and yukata are two special clothes in Japan that show its rich culture. Many people wear them for different reasons. Let's learn about these traditional Japanese clothes in a simple and easy way.

The kimono is a formal and beautiful outfit made of silk. It is worn on important occasions like weddings, tea ceremonies, and festivals. Kimonos have bright colors and pretty designs that have special meanings. Wearing a kimono needs practice because it has many layers and a wide obi belt. People also wear special accessories like zori sandals and a folding fan with it.

On the other hand, the yukata is a lighter and more casual outfit. It is made of cotton or other light materials. People wear yukatas during summer festivals and when they go to hot springs. Yukatas have cool designs with bold patterns and bright colors. They are comfortable to wear and come with a simple obi belt and geta sandals.

Both kimono and yukata let people show their own style. They represent tradition and gracefulness, showing the beauty of Japanese craftsmanship. These clothes have changed over time, and now there are modern versions that mix old and new styles.

Learning about kimono and yukata helps us understand Japan's rich culture. They remind us to value traditions and appreciate diversity. Whether we wear a kimono for a formal event or a yukata for a summer festival, these clothes let us connect with Japan's timeless heritage.

What are some occasions when people wear kimono?
A) Going to school
B) Attending weddings
C) Playing sports
D) Going to the beach

Which fabric is commonly used to make yukata?
A) Denim
B) Silk
C) Cotton
D) Leather

What is a characteristic of yukata?
A) It is worn during winter.
B) It is made of heavy fabric.
C) It has simple designs.
D) It requires complex accessories.



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to... 解答編A



Question 1:
What are some common causes / of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?
一般的な原因は何ですか? / Sick Building Syndromeの

a) Lack of natural light and plants 自然の光や植物の不足
b) Poor ventilation, mold, dust, and chemicals 換気不足、カビ、ホコリ、そして化学物質
c) Excessive use of air conditioning systems 空調システムの過度な使用
d) Irregular cleaning and maintenance 普通通りでない清掃とメンテナンス


It happens because / the air in those buildings / is not healthy.
それは〜のせいで起こる / それらの建物の空気が / 健康的でない

Common reasons / for SBS / include poor ventilation, / mold, dust, and chemicals.
一般的な理由は / SBSの / 不十分な換気を含む / かび、ほこり、そして化学物質


Question 2:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned / as a measure / to prevent or reduce the effects of SBS?
次のうち言われていないのはどれですか? / 手段として / SBSの影響を避けたり減らしたりするための

a) Improving indoor air quality and ventilation 屋内の空気の質や換気を改善すること
b) Using environmentally friendly cleaning products 環境に優しい清掃用品を使うこと
c) Promoting natural light and indoor plants 自然の光や屋内の植物を促進すること
d) Installing additional air conditioning units 追加の空調ユニットを導入すること




プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to... 解答編@


Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers / to feeling sick / when you're inside certain buildings.
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)は〜を指す / 体調不良を感じることを / あなたが特定の建物の中にいるときに

It happens because / the air in those buildings / is not healthy.
それは〜のせいで起こる / それらの建物の空気が / 健康的でない

Common reasons / for SBS / include poor ventilation, / mold, dust, and chemicals.
一般的な理由は / SBSの / 不十分な換気を含む / かび、ほこり、そして化学物質

To prevent or reduce / the effects of SBS, / there are several steps / we can take.
避けるまたは減らすために / SBSの影響を / いくつかのステップがある / 私たちがとることができる

First, / we need to improve / the air quality / indoors.
最初に / 私たちは改善する必要がある / 空気の質を / 屋内の

This can be done / by ensuring proper airflow / and fixing any issues / with the heating, / ventilation, / and air conditioning systems.
これはされる / 適切な空気の流れを確保することによって / そして問題を解決すること / 暖房に関する / 換気に / そして空調システムに

Second, / keeping the building clean / and free from dust, mold, and pests / is important.
第2に / 建物をきれいに保つことは / そしてホコリ、カビ、そして害虫をなくす / 重要だ

Regular cleaning / and prompt repair / of any water leaks / or damage / can help prevent / the growth of mold and mildew.
定期的な掃除 / そして即座の修理 / どんな水漏れでも / または損傷 / 避けるのを助ける / カビの成長を

Additionally, / using environmentally friendly cleaning products / can reduce / chemical pollutants.
加えて / 環境にやさしい清掃用品を使うことは / 減らします / 科学的な汚染を

Having sunlight and plants inside / helps make the air better / too.
日光や植物を屋内に入れることは / 空気をより良くする助けになる / 〜も

And / taking breaks / and moving around / can make people feel better / if they get sick / from the building.
そして休憩を取ること / そして歩き回ることは / 人々の気分をよくさせる / もし彼らが気分が悪くなったら / 建物から

By implementing / these strategies, / we can create / healthier and more comfortable buildings / for everyone.
実行することによって / これらの作戦を / 私たちは作ることができる / より健康的で快適な建物を / 誰にとっても

Question 1:
What are some common causes of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?
a) Lack of natural light and plants
b) Poor ventilation, mold, dust, and chemicals
c) Excessive use of air conditioning systems
d) Irregular cleaning and maintenance

Question 2:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a measure to prevent or reduce the effects of SBS?
a) Improving indoor air quality and ventilation
b) Using environmentally friendly cleaning products
c) Promoting natural light and indoor plants
d) Installing additional air conditioning units



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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英語読解問題Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to... 問題編


Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to feeling sick when you're inside certain buildings. It happens because the air in those buildings is not healthy. Common reasons for SBS include poor ventilation, mold, dust, and chemicals.

To prevent or reduce the effects of SBS, there are several steps we can take. First, we need to improve the air quality indoors. This can be done by ensuring proper airflow and fixing any issues with the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. Second, keeping the building clean and free from dust, mold, and pests is important. Regular cleaning and prompt repair of any water leaks or damage can help prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Additionally, using environmentally friendly cleaning products can reduce chemical pollutants.

Having sunlight and plants inside helps make the air better too. And taking breaks and moving around can make people feel better if they get sick from the building.

By implementing these strategies, we can create healthier and more comfortable buildings for everyone.

Question 1:
What are some common causes of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)?
a) Lack of natural light and plants
b) Poor ventilation, mold, dust, and chemicals
c) Excessive use of air conditioning systems
d) Irregular cleaning and maintenance

Question 2:
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a measure to prevent or reduce the effects of SBS?
a) Improving indoor air quality and ventilation
b) Using environmentally friendly cleaning products
c) Promoting natural light and indoor plants
d) Installing additional air conditioning units



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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Language is an essential tool... 解答編


Language is an essential tool / for human communication.
言語は本質的な道具である / 人間のコミュニケーションにとって

People use language / to convey thoughts and emotions, / exchange information and opinions, / and share culture and history.
人々は言語を使う / 考えや感情を伝えるために / 情報や意見を交換するために / そして文化や歴史を共有するために

Although / there are many different languages, / they all have common features / such as using words / to communicate meaning, / following grammar and pronunciation rules, / and requiring training / and practice to acquire.
〜だが / 多くの異なる言語がある / それらは全て共通の特徴を持っている / 単語を使うことのような / 意味を伝達するために / 文法や発音のルールに従うこと / そして訓練を必要とすること / そして習得のための練習を

Language is a vital element / in building social relationships / among people.
言語は重要な要素だ / 社会的な関係を築くときに / 人々の間の

Speaking the same language / helps to deepen bonds / and achieve common purposes or goals.
同じ言語を話すことは / 絆を深める助けになる / そして共通の目的やゴールを達成するための

When / people of different languages interact, / they can better understand / cultural diversity / and promote mutual understanding.
〜のとき / 異なる言語の人々が相互にはたきかける / 彼らはより良く理解する / 文化的な多様性を / そして相互の理解を促進する

Question1:What is language used for? 言語は何のために使われますか?
(1) To convey thoughts and emotions 考えや感情を伝えるため
(2) To exchange goods and services 商品やサービスを交換するため
(3) To create art and music 芸術や音楽を創造するため
(4) To build machines 機会を組み立てるため


Question2:What is the role of language in building social relationships? 社会的な関係を築くときの言語の役割は何ですか?
(1) It is not important for social relationships それは社会的な関係には重要でない
(2) It helps to deepen bonds and achieve common purposes or goals それは絆を深め共通の目的や目標を達成する助けになる
(3) It creates conflict between people それは人々の間の紛争を創造する
(4) It promotes individualism それは個人主義を促進する



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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Language is an essential tool... 問題編


Language is an essential tool for human communication. People use language to convey thoughts and emotions, exchange information and opinions, and share culture and history. Although there are many different languages, they all have common features such as using words to communicate meaning, following grammar and pronunciation rules, and requiring training and practice to acquire.

Language is a vital element in building social relationships among people. Speaking the same language helps to deepen bonds and achieve common purposes or goals. When people of different languages interact, they can better understand cultural diversity and promote mutual understanding.

Question1:What is language used for?
(1) To convey thoughts and emotions
(2) To exchange goods and services
(3) To create art and music
(4) To build machines

Question2:What is the role of language in building social relationships?
(1) It is not important for social relationships
(2) It helps to deepen bonds and achieve common purposes or goals
(3) It creates conflict between people
(4) It promotes individualism



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Hayabusa is a small asteroid probe... 問題編


Hayabusa is a small asteroid probe launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in May 2003. It was designed to explore the asteroid Itokawa, and arrived there in September 2005. It collected rock and soil samples from the asteroid, and successfully brought them back to Earth. Later, JAXA launched Hayabusa2, which arrived at the asteroid Ryugu in 2018. Like its predecessor, Hayabusa2 collected rock and soil samples and returned them to Earth successfully in December 2020. The Hayabusa missions have become an important showcase of Japan's technological advancements in space exploration in the field of asteroid exploration.

What is the main purpose of Hayabusa missions?
(1) To explore the Moon
(2) To explore Mars
(3) To explore asteroids
(4) To explore Saturn's rings



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
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Music is a universal language... 解答編



Music is a universal language / that has the power / to evoke emotions / and bring people together.
音楽は世界共通の言語だ / それは力を持っている / 感情を呼び起こす / そして人々を結びつける

Whether / it's listening to music / or singing along / to our favorite songs, / music plays an important role / in our lives.
〜かどうか / それは音楽を聴くこと / または一人で歌うこと / 好きな歌に合わせて / 音楽は重要な役割がある / 私たちの生活で

It has the ability / to uplift our mood, / provide comfort / during difficult times, / and even serve / as a form of therapy.
それは能力がある / 私たちの感情を高揚させる / 安らぎを提供する / 難しい時に / そして〜の役割も果たす / セラピーの一種としての

Playing an instrument / or singing / can also be a way / to express ourselves / creatively / and connect with others.
楽器を演奏することは / または歌うことは / 一つの方法にもなる / 自分自身を表現する / 創造的に / そして他人とつながる

From childhood songs / to timeless classics, / music has the ability / to transcend generations / and cultures, / making it / a truly special and meaningful art form.
子供時代の歌から / 時代を超越したクラシックまで / 音楽には能力がある / 世代を超える / または文化を / それを〜にさせる / 真に特別で意味のある芸術の形に

What is one way / in which music can be beneficial / to people?
何が一つの方法か? / 音楽が有益である / 人々に

(1) It can be used to make money. お金を稼ぐために使われる
(2) It can help people become famous. 人々が有名になるのを助ける
(3) It can uplift our mood and provide comfort. 私たちのムードを高めて安らぎを与える
(4) It can be a way to show off our skills to others. 他人に自分の技術を見せつける方法になる


What is the main idea of the paragraph?

(1) Music is a form of therapy for people. 

(2) Singing is the best way to connect with others. 

(3) Playing an instrument is the most creative form of self-expression. 

(4) Music is an important part of people's lives that can evoke emotions and bring people together. 



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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Music is a universal language... 問題編


Music is a universal language that has the power to evoke emotions and bring people together. Whether it's listening to music or singing along to our favorite songs, music plays an important role in our lives. It has the ability to uplift our mood, provide comfort during difficult times, and even serve as a form of therapy. Playing an instrument or singing can also be a way to express ourselves creatively and connect with others. From childhood songs to timeless classics, music has the ability to transcend generations and cultures, making it a truly special and meaningful art form.

What is one way in which music can be beneficial to people?
(1) It can be used to make money.
(2) It can help people become famous.
(3) It can uplift our mood and provide comfort.
(4) It can be a way to show off our skills to others.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?
(1) Music is a form of therapy for people.
(2) Singing is the best way to connect with others.
(3) Playing an instrument is the most creative form of self-expression.
(4) Music is an important part of people's lives that can evoke emotions and bring people together.



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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Hayabusa is a small asteroid probe...読解問題解答編




Hayabusa is a small asteroid probe / launched by / the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) / in May 2003.
はやぶさは小さな小惑星探査機だ / 〜によって発射された / JAXA / 2003年5月に

It was designed / to explore the asteroid Itokawa, / and arrived there / in September 2005.
それは設計された / 小惑星イトカワを探索するため / そしてそこに到着した / 2005年9月に

It collected rock and soil samples / from the asteroid, / and successfully brought them back / to Earth.
それは岩と土のサンプルを集めた / その小惑星から / そして成功裏にそれらを持ち帰った / 地球に

Later, / JAXA launched Hayabusa2, / which arrived / at the asteroid Ryugu / in 2018.
後に / JAXAははやぶさ2を発射した / それは到着した / 小惑星リュウグウに / 2018年に

Like its predecessor, / Hayabusa2 collected rock and soil samples / and returned them / to Earth / successfully / in December 2020.
その前任者のように / はやぶさ2は岩と土のサンプルを集めた / そしてそれらを持ち帰った / 地球に / 成功裏に / 2020年12月に

The Hayabusa missions / have become an important showcase / of Japan's technological advancements / in space exploration / in the field of asteroid exploration.
はやぶさのミッションは / 重要なショーケースとなった / 日本の技術的な発展の / 宇宙探査における / 小惑星探査の分野での

What is the main purpose of Hayabusa missions?

(1) To explore the Moon 月を探索すること
(2) To explore Mars 火星を探索すること
(3) To explore asteroids 小惑星を探索すること
(4) To explore Saturn's rings 土星の環を探索すること



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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解答編「Importance of the Sense of Smell」穴埋め4択問題



Importance of the Sense of Smell

The sense of smell is an important tool for animals, such as dogs and wolves. Smell is also important for humans. Some scientists say that without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations. Anosmia , known as a condition of loss of the sense of smell, can be a symptom of various health issues. It can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as smoke or gas leaks. Research has also shown that smell is closely linked to memory and emotions, with certain scents triggering strong reactions and memories. In summary, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in the lives of both animals and humans.

Without smell, / humans would have trouble / in many daily situations, / according to ____.
匂いがなければ / 人間は困るだろう / 多くの日常的な状況で / __によると

(1) pet owners ペットの飼い主
(2) some scientists 何人かの科学者
(3) politicians 政治家
(4) professional athletes プロのアスリート

Some scientists say that without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations.

Anosmia can affect / a person's quality of life, / leading to a loss of appetite, / depression, / and difficulty detecting warning signs / such as ____.
Anosmiaは影響を及ぼす / 人間の生活の質に / 食欲の喪失につながって / 鬱に / そして警告のサインを識別する困難 / __のような

(1) traffic lights 信号
(2) smoke or gas leaks 煙やガス漏れ
(3) construction sites 建築現場
(4) loud music 大音量の音楽

It can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as smoke or gas leaks.


プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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問題編「Importance of the Sense of Smell」穴埋め問題


Importance of the Sense of Smell

The sense of smell is an important tool for animals, such as dogs and wolves. Smell is also important for humans. Some scientists say that without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations. Anosmia , known as a condition of loss of the sense of smell, can be a symptom of various health issues. It can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as smoke or gas leaks. Research has also shown that smell is closely linked to memory and emotions, with certain scents triggering strong reactions and memories. In summary, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in the lives of both animals and humans.

Without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations, according to ____.
(1) pet owners
(2) some scientists
(3) politicians
(4) professional athletes

Anosmia can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as ____.
(1) traffic lights
(2) smoke or gas leaks
(3) construction sites
(4) loud music



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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解答編「Importance of the Sense of Smell」の内容に関する4択

Importance of the Sense of Smellの内容に関する4択問題解答編です。


Importance of the Sense of Smell

The sense of smell / is an important tool / for animals, / such as dogs and wolves.
嗅覚は / 重要な道具だ / 動物にとって / 犬やオオカミなどの

Smell is also important / for humans.
匂いは〜にも重要だ / 人間にとって

Some scientists say that / without smell, / humans would have trouble / in many daily situations.
何人かの科学者は〜と言う / 匂いがなければ / 人間は困るだろう / 多くの日常的な状況で

Anosmia , / known as a condition of loss / of the sense of smell, / can be a symptom / of various health issues.
anosmiaは / 喪失の状態として知られる / 嗅覚の / 症状になり得る / 様々な健康問題の

It can affect / a person's quality of life, / leading to a loss of appetite, / depression, / and difficulty / detecting warning signs / such as smoke or gas leaks.
それは影響がある / 人間の生活の質に / 食欲の喪失につながる / 鬱 / そして困難 / 警告の兆候を識別することの / 煙やガス漏れのような

Research has also shown that / smell is closely linked / to memory and emotions, / with certain scents / triggering strong reactions and memories.
調査は〜も示している / 匂いは密接に結びついている / 記憶や感情に / 特定の芳香で / 強い反応や記憶を呼び覚ます

In summary, / the sense of smell / plays a crucial role / in the lives / of both animals and humans.
まとめると / 嗅覚は / 決定的な役割を果たす / 生活で / 動物と人間の両方の

Which of the following is NOT a potential effect of anosmia?

(1) Loss of appetite 食欲の喪失
(2) Difficulty detecting smoke or gas leaks 煙やガス漏れを気付くことの困難
(3) Depression 鬱
(4) Increased sensitivity to certain smells 特定の匂いへの増加した鋭敏さ




プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
posted by えま at 12:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語読解問題 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


問題編「Importance of the Sense of Smell」英文の内容に関する4択


Importance of the Sense of Smell

The sense of smell is an important tool for animals, such as dogs and wolves. Smell is also important for humans. Some scientists say that without smell, humans would have trouble in many daily situations. Anosmia , known as a condition of loss of the sense of smell, can be a symptom of various health issues. It can affect a person's quality of life, leading to a loss of appetite, depression, and difficulty detecting warning signs such as smoke or gas leaks. Research has also shown that smell is closely linked to memory and emotions, with certain scents triggering strong reactions and memories. In summary, the sense of smell plays a crucial role in the lives of both animals and humans.

Which of the following is NOT a potential effect of anosmia?
(1) Loss of appetite
(2) Difficulty detecting smoke or gas leaks
(3) Depression
(4) Increased sensitivity to certain smells



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
posted by えま at 19:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 英語読解問題 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Local Foods(長文)解答編B問題の意味と解答

Local Foods(長文)の解答編です。



Which of the following is NOT a benefit of local foods? 次のうちlocal foodsの利点でないものはどれですか?
(1) Reduced carbon footprint 削減されたカーボンフットプリント
(2) Economic development 経済的な発展
(3) More convenient to purchase 入手することがより便利
(4) Cultural preservation 文化的な保全


Question 2:
What makes local foods often healthier and fresher than mass-produced foods? local foodsを大量生産された食品よりもしばしば健康的で新鮮にするのは何ですか?
(1) They contain more preservatives それらはより多くの保存料を含む
(2) They are typically harvested at the peak of ripeness それらは大抵は最も熟したときに収穫される
(3) They are grown in a larger geographic region それらはより広い地理的な地域で育てられる
(4) They have a less unique taste and quality それらはより独特でない味と品質を持つ

Local foods are often fresher and healthier / than mass-produced foods, / as / they are typically harvested / at the peak of ripeness / and contain fewer preservatives.
local foodsはしばしばより新鮮でより健康的だ / 大量生産された食品よりも / 〜だから / それらは通常は収穫される / 最も熟したときに / そしてより少ない保存料を含む



プロ家庭教師の江間です。    AE個別学習室(えまじゅく)
http://www.a-ema.com/k/     http://www.a-ema.com/j/
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